
My name is Deborah Champion and I dislike writing artist statements.

I like drawing. In fact, I love drawing, it's my favourite. In order to cure my self of a horribly realistic painting style, I started screen printing. Printing is exciting, peeling each new print off to see what you've got. I love to print.

I experiment with patterns to convey secret meanings. It's hard to portray a secret world in a somewhat graphic medium and patterns is how I do that. I find these patterns work well with screenprinting. Sometimes I print them on cards; I do this because it means that I get to do more printing, which makes me happy. I hope you will buy some prints, because then I can print some more, and I'd like that.

I'm dedicated to creating affordable small art prints so everyone can enjoy real, original artworks in their home.

Champignons are delicious with toast, and if eaten early in the day constitute the breakfast of Champignons- check

My name is. I am an artist, and I am not delicious with toast.